Category: Travel Tips

10 items to make backpacking easier

10 items to make backpacking easier travel hacks

Backpacking can be hard at times, always having to carry a big backpack, spending hours in crowded public transportation, crappy hostels… Fortunately, there are some items you can get that will make your life easier and a bit more comfortable. Disclaimer: this post contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on any links […]

18 travel items that will help you save space

18 travel items that will help you save space travel essentials

Before I started traveling, I had calculated how much my backpack should weigh according to my weight (it should be around 15 %), so that left me with 20 lbs. I was really optimistic at first and then soon realized I would never manage to bring only 20 lbs of stuff. Over the years I’ve […]