Epic Things to Do in Antigua, Guatemala – A Travel Guide


Last Updated on July 24, 2024

There’s no doubt that if you’re visiting Guatemala, then Antigua has to be on your itinerary.

When I first arrived in Antigua, Guatemala, I simply fell in love with its unique charm and atmosphere. The city, surrounded by volcanoes, has a mix of old and new that makes every walk interesting.

From the colorful buildings like the iconic Santa Catalina Arch to the lively markets, there’s always something to catch your eye. It’s a place that feels both timeless and full of life, offering endless things to see and do.

It’s not for nothing that Antigua is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of South America‘s most beautiful colonial cities.

I recommend spending at least 2 days in Antigua with a volcano day hike and a day to immerse yourself in the small town’s vibes. If you have extra time, you’ll find plenty of additional things to do in Antigua.

The city is perfect for every type of traveler, from families traveling with kids to backpackers traveling on a budget and anyone in between. It’s also popular among people wanting to learn Spanish as there are several good language schools. Thrill-seekers also have their place there with several challenging hikes and climbing routes to the top of active volcanoes.

Read on to discover all the best things to do in Antigua, Guatemala.


Epic Things to Do in Antigua, Guatemala - A Travel Guide


Epic Things to Do in Antigua, Guatemala - A Travel Guide


Epic Things to Do in Antigua, Guatemala - A Travel Guide


Epic Things to Do in Antigua, Guatemala - A Travel Guide


Epic Things to Do in Antigua, Guatemala - A Travel Guide


Epic Things to Do in Antigua, Guatemala - A Travel Guide



Epic Things to Do in Antigua, Guatemala - A Travel Guide


Epic Things to Do in Antigua, Guatemala - A Travel Guide


Epic Things to Do in Antigua, Guatemala - A Travel Guide


Epic Things to Do in Antigua, Guatemala - A Travel Guide


Epic Things to Do in Antigua, Guatemala - A Travel Guide


Epic Things to Do in Antigua, Guatemala - A Travel Guide


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Best things to do in Antigua Guatemala

1 – Self-Guided Walking Tour to Visit Antigua’s Top Sights

Antigua is a beautiful city, strolling along its paved streets, you’ll see many stunning edifices. To discover the city’s highlights, you can take a walking tour or just go on your own, getting lost in the small streets.

You’ll notice many churches in ruins, for most of them, only the facade remains, same for many other religious buildings across Antigua.

San Jose Cathedral, Antigua
San Jose Cathedral on Plaza Mayor

Start your visit at the Plaza Mayor, also known as the Parque Central, where you’ll see some of the city’s finest buildings. Around it, you can visit the Cathedral, the Museo del Libro Antigua (Ancient Book Museum), and the Palacio de Los Capitanes Generales (Palace of the Generals Captains).

Nearby, if you like museums, you can check out the Colonial Art Museum.

Next, going up the Quinta (5a), pass by Antigua’s most iconic edifice: the Santa Catalina Arch, where you can take some photos. Continue north to the Iglesia de la Merced, a beautiful yellow church from the 18th century.

Your next stop would be at the ruins of the San Jeronimo Hermitage. The place is beautiful with many flowers and trees, growing on the ancient walls. Continue south, to the Cemetery, with its white mausoleum and colorful plastic flowers.

Head back towards the Plaza Mayor and continue to the ruins of the 18th-century Santa Clara convent. Nearby, visit the San Francisco el Grande Sanctuary where you can visit the church, the ruins, and the small museum.

If you like colonial houses, you can go to the Casa Popenoe.

Finish your visit at the Capuchinas Convent, built at the beginning of the 18th century.

La Merced Church, Antigua
La Merced Church, one of the most beautiful church in Antigua

Other museums you can visit in Antigua:

  • Museo del Vidrio (Glass Museum)
  • Holy Week Museum
  • Museum Santo Tomas de Aquino (cultural museum)
  • Jade Museum (more of a shop than a museum)

Other religious edifices to visit in Antigua:

  • Casa Santo Domingo Museum
  • Ermita de Santa Isabel de Hungria
  • Jardin de la Ermita del Santo Calvario
  • Ermita la Santa Cruz (don’t go there if you’re alone)
  • Iglesia Escuela del Cristo
  • San Jose el Viejo

2 – Climb a volcano

Antigua is surrounded by volcanoes, most of which are still very active. Depending on your fitness level, there are several volcanoes you can climb. In any case, you’ll need to go with a guide.

The easiest option is to book a tour from Antigua, but you can also get to the starting point by yourself and hire a guide directly from the park’s office.

Pacaya Volcano

Pacaya Volcano is the easiest volcano to trek to around Antigua. It only takes 3 hours, and if you don’t feel up for it, you can hire a horse. It’s the easiest but it’s not easy.

In the guidebook I have, they say everyone can do it, children and seniors included. Children, sure, but if you don’t have a good fitness level it’s going to be hard. I exercise frequently and it was hard.

You don’t actually climb Pacaya, you climb near it. Once you reach the top, you’ll get an amazing view of the Pacaya Volcano, which is too active to climb. Then you’ll get down inside a crater, where you’ll see volcanic rocks from the 2014 eruption. In some places, there are warm spots where you’ll roast marshmallows.

The tour from Antigua is 10 USD and includes transportation and a guide. You have to pay the 50 GTQ entrance fee. Renting a horse, back and forth, costs around 200 GTQ (the owner comes with you).

Another option if you don’t like hiking but still want to experience the volcanoes from up close, is to go an ATV tour.

Agua Volcano in Antigua
The iconic Santa Catalina Archway is a must-see in Antigua

Agua Volcano

The Agua Volcano is the one you see from Antigua, it’s almost perfect conical shape reach 3700 meters (12300 feet). You can reach the top in around 5 hours from Santa Maria de Jesus, mid-way there’s a parking area that can be reached with a 4-wheeler.

The volcano is extinct so you can go all the way to the summit crater.

The way up is really steep and is not for everyone, the climb is not to be undertaken without proper training beforehand. You can book an overnight trip or a day tour from Antigua.

Fuego Volcano

The really active Fuego Volcano reaches 12,345 ft (3,763 meters) and requires technical hiking knowledge and proper training. Most tours include an overnight stay as the trip to the highest point you can reach is tough.

You often see hot lava pouring out of the cone and the trail is often closed when the volcano gets too active. It’s one of the best volcanoes to climb in Central America if you like challenges.

Volcanoes near Antigua

Acatenango Volcano

The highest volcano around Antigua (and the third-highest in Central America), hiking the Acatenango volcano is not for the faint-hearted. The climb is tough and requires technical knowledge and training. The volcano is famous for having two cones, the highest one reaching 13000 ft (4000 meters).

Climbers will be rewarded with breathtaking views, especially over the Fuego Volcano. It’s one of the most popular hikes in Antigua and requires an overnight trip. You can book your tour here.

Tips for climbing volcanoes near Antigua

  • Bring plenty of snacks and water with you;
  • Wear layers, mornings are pretty cold but you’ll get hot and the sun can be pretty strong (as much as the wind can be chilly). If you tend to get colds or sore throats easily, I’ll advise keeping your jacket on, you’ll get hot because you’re climbing but it will still be cold and windy.
  • Bring sunscreen and a hat/cap.
  • Go at your own pace, the guide is supposed to wait for you.
  • Wear appropriate shoes.
  • Get proper medications if you’re prone to altitude sickness, or just in case if you have never been higher than 2000 meters (6500 ft).
  • Bring a face mask if you don’t want to breathe dust.
  • If you’re going on an overnight trip, make sure to go with a good company, even if it’s more expensive, and make sure of what’s included.

3 – Visit a Coffee Plantation

Coffee plantation in Guatemala

Visiting a coffee plantation is one of the top things to do in Antigua. There are two coffee plantations near Antigua that tourists can visit. Both are accessible via public transportation or you can take a tuk-tuk to it.

You can also book a tour for more convenience (and an English-speaking guide) – turn the visit into an adventure with an ATV coffee farm tour.

Visiting one is enough, the most popular one is Finca La Azotea. They organize daily coffee farm tours, cacao workshops, as well as various activities like horseback riding, aero yoga, minigolf… Some tours and activities need to be booked in advance.

There, you can visit the Casa K’Ojom, a museum showcasing musical instruments and exhibits on the Sacatepequez culture and traditional clothing, and the Coffee Museum. You’ll also find a small cafeteria there and a restaurant.

The entrance fee, including the guided tour, is 50 GTQ.

Alternatively, you can visit the Finca Filadelfia. There, you can take a tour of the plantation where a guide will explain everything about coffee. Guided tours start every day at 9 AM, 11 AM, and 2 PM. The guided visit is 150 GTQ. It’s also a resort with a nice restaurant.

4 – Tour Caoba Farm

Only a short walk away from town, Caoba Farm has made it its mission to implement sustainable farming practices among its community. It provides organic produce to local households and restaurants as well as permaculture courses and volunteer opportunities.

You can book a private tour of the farm, just make to call at least 24 hours before. You’ll learn about local plants, taste edible flowers, and meet the farm animals.

They also have a farm-to-table restaurant where you can have pizza, hamburgers, salads… with vegan and vegetarian options available. They also have a bakery where you can get bread made with the flour they produce.

They’re closed on Mondays and Tuesdays and are open from 8 am to 5 pm. Every weekend they held a market and various events.

5 – Learn Spanish

Many travelers who want to improve (or learn) their Spanish choose Antigua to do so. The city is great for spending a week or more, and you’ll find many Spanish schools there. Classes are usually just a few hours a day so you have plenty of time to explore the city and its surroundings.

You can also choose a more intensive option if you want to learn Spanish in a short window of time.

Street in Antigua

6 – Sample some local food

One of the best things to do in Antigua is to try the food. Antigua is filled with international restaurants which is perfect if you’re starting to miss the food from your country. However, you shouldn’t miss out on local food.

If you’re feeling adventurous, you can try the food stands at the market or the night market at the Merced Church. Otherwise, you’ll find several restaurants (for all budgets) within the city center.

I can recommend the Casa de La Sopa, it’s a great place for dinner. Their food is amazing and the prices are around 60 GTQ per meal.

Amongst the most typical dishes, you can try the chicken Pipian, the tostadas (vegetarian options), and the Tamales and Chuchitos (basically the same thing but different size).

Cemetery, Antigua

6 – Take a day trip to Maya ruins

Near Antigua, you’ll find the ruins of Mixco Viejo, an ancient Maya city formerly known as Jilotepeque Viejo. When the site was discovered, archaeologists first believed they had found the capital of the Poqomam Kingdom, years later they realized they had been mistaken, the city actually was the capital of the Chajoma Kaqchikel Kingdom.

The site is incredibly well preserved and you can visit it as a day trip from Antigua (or Guatemala City). If you don’t have a car, you’ll need to go with a tour agency. Some agencies also offer tours to Iximché, but it’s closer to Panajachel, so better wait until you’re there, or stop on the way.

7 – Stroll around the local market

Fruits, Market Guatemala

A visit to Antigua is not complete without a trip to the Mercado Central. Its maze-like structure will surely get you lost, I went there without my phone, and it took me 20 minutes to find an exit. The variety of fruits and veggies in Guatemala amazes me, and everything is super tasty.

Don’t hesitate to try the fruits you don’t know, if you speak some Spanish you can ask how to eat them, otherwise, just ask at your hotel.

Contrary to most Central American countries, people use pounds (libras) and not kilograms. One pound is around half a kilo. Don’t hesitate to ask for the prices at different stands as the prices can vary hugely from one seller to another.

How much does it cost? = Cuanto cuesta?
How much for a pound of… = A cuanto la libra de…

8 – Do some handicrafts shopping

Handicrafts shop in Antigua

If you intend to bring some souvenirs home, Antigua is a good place to shop for it.

Around town, you’ll find several handicraft shops, the biggest and most famous is Nim Pot, the perfect place to shop for local clothing.

You should also check out the Handicrafts market (right next to the regular market). It’s huge, there are probably hundreds of stands inside, the sellers are a bit annoying but it’s where you’ll have more choices.

On weekends, there’s also a handicraft market with sellers coming from the neighboring villages. The market is set near the El Carmen Ruins. Be prepared to haggle as prices can be high.

9 – Visit the Chocolate Museum

If you have a sweet tooth, the Chocolate Museum is the place for you. It’s actually more of a shop where they explain how chocolate is made. They also offer courses if you want to make your own.

10 – Trek to Cerro de la Cruz

It takes less than an hour from the Plaza Mayor to trek to and from Cerro de la Cruz. From there, you’ll get a panoramic view of the city. Make sure the sky is clear before going or you won’t see much.

Ermita del Santo Calvario, Antigua
Ermita del Santo Calvario

Useful tips to plan your trip to Antigua Guatemala

What to pack

Antigua can be hot during the day and cold at night, especially from October to March. So pack light clothing for the day and a pair of jeans and a jacket for night time. You might want to pack warmer pajamas as well.

If you’re planning on climbing a volcano, bring good hiking shoes that support your ankles.

You don’t need to overpack, 5 to 7 days worth of clothes is enough. You’ll easily find same-day laundry services at your hotel or at a “lavandaria”.

Plugs are the same as in the US, bring a plug adaptor if your electronics are from Europe.

Ermita La Santa Cruz, Antigua
Ermita La Santa Cruz

Safety in Antigua and tourist scams

Antigua is one of the safest places in Guatemala. Just beware of pickpockets in crowded areas. You can stroll around at night without problems. You should also be careful when climbing the volcanoes, do not go on your own, and stay with your group.

As for tourist scams, always buy your bus or tour tickets at your hotel or in a travel agency.

Transportation to, from, and in Antigua Guatemala

Within the city, a tuk-tuk should be 5 GTQ per person. With the tourist shuttles, you can easily come from anywhere in Guatemala. The closest cities are Panajachel and Guatemala City, but you can easily come from or go to (Lanquin) Semuc Campey. There are also daily shuttles to Monterrico and El Paredon on the Pacific Coast.

Using local transportation, you can easily come from Guatemala City and go to Panajachel, or the other way around. Ask for the price at your hotel first, they tend to increase the prices when they see a foreigner.

Chicken Bus, Guatemala

I don’t really recommend taking the shuttles unless you have a lot of luggage or are going to a destination that would take 3 public buses to reach. Shuttles are way more expensive than local buses, they are slower and getting a comfortable seat is a gamble. They sell the folding seats even for hours-long rides, those are not comfortable at all. Sometimes the seats are broken and they still sell them. They lie about the time it takes to get to point A to point B. Why pay more if you don’t get more value?

The public buses have a bad reputation and are known to be dangerous. If you fall asleep with your iPhone on your laps, chances are it won’t be there when you wake up, but this scenario wouldn’t go differently in most places in the world. As for the buses getting attacked, well, if you’re going to rob a bus, which one do you choose? The one with tourists or the one with locals?

Where to eat in Antigua Guatemala

There are plenty of restaurants to choose from in Antigua. From local cheap eateries to fancy restaurants, you will find something to your liking. I advise trying the local places first and if you get homesick, head to a more international restaurant. There are also a ton of vegan/vegetarian-friendly options in Antigua.

For local food, check out La Casa de las Sopas, they serve delicious traditional dishes, for around 50 GTQ. You can also check out the market, where you’ll find several food stalls. At night, near the Iglesia de la Merced, there’s a food market, try the tostadas (vegan options).

For great Asian food, head to Toko Baru, the servings are huge, the prices affordable, and the food delicious.

If you want something a bit more fancy for dinner, head to Hector’s Bistro, their meat is to die for. Their cocktails are also pretty good.

For something sweet, check out Lune de Miel, a French Creperie.

Ermita San Jeronimo, Antigua
Ermita San Jeronimo

Where to stay in Antigua Guatemala

Antigua is the occasion to treat yourself to a great hotel. There you’ll find a lot of small boutique hotels set in renovated colonial houses. There are also several good mid-range options as well as more budget-friendly hostels and hotels. Here are a few options:

  • Hotel Casa el Calvario – Set in a small colonial house, this hotel offers dorms as well as private rooms. It’s one of the cheapest options in Antigua (10 US for the dorm and 20 US for a private room). They have a nice rooftop terrace from which you’ll see the volcanoes. They serve breakfast and the staff is super friendly.
  • Barbara’s Boutique Hostel – The best hostel in Antigua, they could charge way more compared to the other places. The dorms (14 US a night) and the common areas are beautiful, it really is a boutique hostel. They have a kitchen you can use, a living room, and an outdoor area. They also offer private rooms worth staying in (around 50 US a night).
  • Porta Hotel Antigua – A good hotel if you want to splurge, it offers spotless accommodation in a stunning setting with great views.

For nomads, there’s a Selina Antigua that’s pretty well-rated and great for meeting people.

How Many Days in Antigua/Itinerary

At the very least, plan to spend 2 days in Antigua – one to hike one of the volcanoes and another to visit the town.

If you have a third day, you can visit a nearby coffee plantation or do a 2-day trip to do the Acatenango overnight hike.

When is the Best Time to Visit Antigua?

The best time to visit Antigua, Guatemala, is anytime between November and April when it doesn’t rain much and the weather is nice. It’s also the high season so try the shoulder seasons if you want to avoid the crowds.

Keep in mind that Antigua is in the mountains, so the temperatures are lower than in the rest of the country. Bring clothes to keep warm, especially if you visit the volcanoes.

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Antigua Travel Guide, Guatemala