22 fun things to do in Taitung + best tourist spots -Travel Guide

Best things to do in Taitung and around, Taiwan travel guide

Last Updated on December 11, 2023

Taitung is one of Taiwan’s most beautiful counties, surrounded by mountains and nature, Taiwan’s East Coast is a breath of fresh air in a country densely populated and over-developed. There are a lot of things to do in Taitung and the best way to explore all its attractions and tourist spots is by renting a motorbike or a car and just drive around. The scenery is magnificent, and at every turn, you’ll see breathtaking landscapes.

Taitung County has a lot to offer, you could easily stay for two weeks there and do something new every day. Wondering what to do in Taitung? Here is a “short” list of the best tourist attractions you can visit from Taitung City and of the best things to do in Taitung County, as well as some useful travel tips.

Related – Everything you need to know before planning your trip to Taiwan

Travel tip – Before any international trip, make sure to get travel insurance and check visa requirements.


22 fun things to do in Taitung + best tourist spots -Travel Guide


22 fun things to do in Taitung + best tourist spots -Travel Guide


22 fun things to do in Taitung + best tourist spots -Travel Guide


22 fun things to do in Taitung + best tourist spots -Travel Guide


22 fun things to do in Taitung + best tourist spots -Travel Guide


22 fun things to do in Taitung + best tourist spots -Travel Guide



22 fun things to do in Taitung + best tourist spots -Travel Guide


22 fun things to do in Taitung + best tourist spots -Travel Guide


22 fun things to do in Taitung + best tourist spots -Travel Guide


22 fun things to do in Taitung + best tourist spots -Travel Guide


22 fun things to do in Taitung + best tourist spots -Travel Guide


22 fun things to do in Taitung + best tourist spots -Travel Guide


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Maps of Taitung Tourist Spots

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Taitung Tourist Attractions and Top Places to Visit

1- Xiao Yeliu

Best things to do in Taitung and around, Taiwan travel guide

Taiwan’s east coast seems to be full of strange rock formations, Taitung is no exception. In Xiao Yeliu, the ocean produced a beautiful scenery with a landscape full of rock formations carved by the waves. There are around 5 areas where you can see different types of rocks. It’s really amazing to see how the landscape can be so different, although it’s in the same place.

Entrance fee: Free
Open everyday from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM

2 – Jia Lù Lan

Jialulan, things to in Taitung, Taiwan

Taitung is full of parks and green areas. Jia Lu Lan is a nice scenic spot facing the sea with a couple of sculptures and artworks. Local artists regularly come here and install their art. If you’re lucky you might see one at work.

3 – Taitung Forest Park

Taitung Forest Park, Taiwan

Probably the most famous park in Taitung, Taitung Forest Park is a nice place to go for a stroll and a top tourist spot. Facing the sea and a river, it is more of a man-made park than a wild forest. It’s better to have a bicycle to go around the park than to walk, unless you have a lot of time.  You can rent a bicycle at the park entrance or at the train station.

There are also 3 lakes inside the park, you can swim in one of them during summer.

Entrance fee: NTD30

4 – Pre-Historical Beinan Site

Beinan site, Taitung attractions, Taiwan

Another park! This one is quite different as it is an archaeological site. It’s the largest prehistorical settlement found so far in the country.

There’s a small museum inside, it’s a branch of the larger National Museum of Prehistory.  You can also see some of the excavation sites, in some of which you’ll see traces of ancient structures. You’ll also find two reproductions of historical houses belonging to the Neolithic Beinan people and some information about their daily life.

Closed on Mondays. The entrance to the park is free, but if you want to visit the museum it’s NTD30.

5 – Peinandazhen Riverside Park

Peinandazhen Riverside Park, what to do in Taitung, Taiwan

The fifth and last park on my list, Peinandazhen Riverside Park is a small park with not much to offer apart from a nice view over the surrounding mountains. It’s a quiet place with a wonderful view. Just find a bench, sit there and enjoy nature.

6 – National Museum of Prehistory

Taitung National Museum of Prehistory

One of Taitung’s main attractions, the National Museum of Prehistory is where most of the Beinan artifacts have been stored. More than 1500 stone coffins and 20 000 stone and pottery artifacts were excavated in Taitung and are now being exhibited at the museum. The museum also has an in-depth exhibition about the Taiwanese aboriginal culture.

Entrance fee: NTD80

7 – Taitung Railway Art Village

Taitung Art Street, Taiwan

Old buildings from the railway company were turned into an art space where artists can exhibit their art and get a space to work. The exhibitions change regularly and a walking track has been built outside. During summer, the place hosts a craft market and regular events, especially concerts. It’s one of Taitung’s most popular attractions and a local hang-out spot.

Nearby you can enjoy live music at the Tiehua Music Village.

8 – Participate in the Bombing of Master Han Dan

Every year, on the 15th day of the first lunar month, the bombing of master Han Dan takes place. A shirtless man, posing as Master Han Dan, gets firecrackers thrown at him by the crowd. Specific to Taitung, this ceremony is a way to honor the god of wealth and war. Lord Han Dan was known to hate being cold, the firecrackers are an attempt to warm the god, and by doing so, earning his good grace.

9 – Try the aboriginal food

Among the many things to do in Taitung, trying the aboriginal food is a must! Usually made of wild boar or dear and a range of plants you’ve never heard about, the food in Taitung is usually really tasty and different from the more classical Taiwanese food. If you want to try the aboriginal cuisine head for Mi Ba Nai in Taitung city or Luolei restaurant which also offers traditional music performances.

Things to do in Taitung County

10 – Paragliding in Luye

Taitung, Taiwan

Luye Township is a cute little town, the road to get there is just beautiful. There are several activities to do there such as trekking and biking, and you can also do paragliding or arrange for a hot air balloon ride (only during summer). The views are phenomenal and offer stunning scenery, this part of Taiwan definitively is the most beautiful one. Going on a hot air balloon ride over the area is one of the best things to in Taitung.

Prices start at NTD 1800 for paragliding.

Luye Highland is also known for its tea plantations. If the tea there has a unique taste, it’s because of a secret ingredient: worms’ saliva. I know, gross, but natural. When they started using pesticides, they noticed the taste of the tea changed, they realized that what was giving the tea its unique taste was the leaves-eating worms. They decided to stop using pesticides to guarantee an authentic taste.

11 – Enjoy Taitung’s lush nature in Zhiben Hot Springs and National Forest Recreational Area

Best things to do in Taitung, Taiwan

Zhiben is famous all over Taiwan’s east coast for its spring water, one of the purest you’ll find in the country. If you choose to go there, don’t expect a wild and natural hot spring. Zhiben is a spa destination, a lot of hotels and spas have been built here. They use the water from the spring in their facilities and offer a wide range of services. The water from the hot spring is too hot for anyone to swim directly in it, that’s why you won’t find any “natural” hot springs there.

Zhiben is also a nice place for trekking. The National Forest area has several treks you can choose from. From shorter to longer trails, some are harder than others. I recommend taking the one with all the stairs, tiring but you’ll be rewarded with an amazing view. The park is pleasant, with a lot of shadowy parts so, even during summer, it’s a nice place to go for a walk.

Entrance fee for the recreational area: NTD 80

12 – Flower craze at Taimali Kinchen Mountain

Daylilies flower field

Taiwanese people love flowers and plants, everywhere you’ll go you’ll see florists and greens. In Taimali Kinchen Mountain, a top tourist spot in Taitung, you’ll get to see huge fields of orange daylilies. It’s also a great place for trekking. The daylilies blossom is from August to October. There are also several other flowers being grown around the mountain, in January and February you’ll see the cherry blossom, wild lilies from March to April, hydrangeas from May to April, and apricot bloom in November and December. Even outside of the blossom seasons, it’s still worth going, the scenery is spectacular, as everywhere else around Taitung.

The afternoon usually gets foggy, so it’s better to go in the morning.

13 – Join the Hot Air Balloon Festival

Hot air balloon festival, Taitung, Taiwan

Every year, around the end of June, the Hot Air Balloon Festival (also known as the Taiwan International Balloon Festival) takes place in Luye Gaomai. The international event is really famous and attracts thousands of visitors each year. Every day, dozens of hot air balloons take off, and you can even ride some of them. The festival is most active at sunrise and sunset and lasts for about 6 weeks. It’s a unique experience and really worth going to.

14 – Walk in God’s footprints in Sanxiantai

Sanxiantai, things to do in Taitung, Taiwan

If you are wondering what to do in Taitung, don’t miss this amazing bridge. The eight-arches cross-sea bridge taking you to Sanxiantai Island is a famous landmark in eastern Taiwan. The bridge represents the waves of the ocean and also the Chinese dragon. The island was once connected to the mainland and used to be home to the Amis tribe, it’s now uninhabited and classified as a nature reserve area. A local legend state that one day, 3 gods visited the island and left their footprints there.

The island is pretty small but there are a lot of sea caves and rock formations to see, as well as several seashore plant species. To take great photos and for a breath-taking view, go for sunrise.

15 – Trek to Chiaming Lake

Chiaming Lake, Taitung attractions, Taiwan

This strange-looking lake was formed 6000 years ago by glaciers movements during the last ice age. Also called angel’s teardrop or the sapphire of high mountains, Chiaming lake is not easy to reach. It takes about 3 to 4 days to go there and back. You’ll have to go through a trekking agency and book at least a month before to secure the mandatory permit. Elevated to 3 500 meters above sea level, surrounded by mountains and nature, the lake is as peaceful and enchanted as it gets.

16 – Ride Taiwan’s first leisure bike-way in Guanshan Township

what to do in Taitung and around, Taiwan

The Guanshan bike-way is 12 km long and circles the city, it starts and ends at the Waterpark. The path can be divided into two parts: the mountain section and the river-side section. On the way, you’ll see endless paddy fields, water buffaloes, flower fields, and breath-taking scenery.

You can find more details about the trail here>>

Another famous bike-way is the Mr. Brown Avenue in Chihshang Township, dubbed the “green road of paradise”.

17 – Explore Baxian Cave

Baxian Cave, things to do in Taitung, Taiwan

Located in Changbin Township, Basian cave, originally, was a huge sea cave, with time and because of crustal uplift, it turned into several smaller caves, raised above sea level. The cave is called the Goddess cave by the Amis people, who believed the caves were uplifted because of the killing of a beautiful lady. It became a shrine for several Taiwanese Gods.

Relics from the Paleolithic Era have also been found there. In this place, archaeologists have discovered the oldest prehistoric culture in Taiwan: the Palaeolithic Changbin Culture.

18 – Explore Lanyu and its famous Warship Rock and Lover Cave

Lanyu, Taiwan

More commonly known as Orchid Island, Lanyu is a small island off the east shore of Taiwan. Lanyu is an off-the-beaten-path hidden gem, one of Taiwan’s remotest islands, and is full of surprises. The island is just beautiful, there are so many things to see, on the island as well as off-shore. The marine life here is abundant and diving really is a treat. It’s also great in terms of culture, most people living there are from the Yami tribe, and traditions are still strongly implemented. You’ll easily be able to witness aboriginal life, more than on the mainland.

How to get to Orchid Island: by plane from Taitung Airport or by ferry from Fugang fish harbor or Houbihu (book your ferry ticket here). Booking in advance is recommended especially for the plane. Once there, you can just rent a motorbike and drive around.

You will need to spend at least a night on the island. There you can camp by the beach at Jimmy Explorer Campsite and arrange for a diving trip. Each tent has comfy a bed and some even have AC.

The high season is between May and mid-October, between November and April, most things will be closed.

19 – Discover Taitung’s aboriginal culture and tribes

Aboriginal girl, Taiwan

There are seven ethnic groups living in Taitung country. Most of them are really integrated and there’s no way to differentiate them from Chinese-Taiwanese. Generally, the best way to observe aboriginal culture is during their festivals, then you’ll get a glimpse of their traditions. In Taitung County, you’ll still find some villages that kept a more traditional way of life.

Here are some places you can visit if you want to discover this other side of Taiwan:

  • Bunun Tribe Cultural Park: this project aims at enabling the local population and providing them with the necessary tools to make a living. The cultural park is a community-based project and they welcome visitors to share the Bunun culture with tourists. They often organize traditional aboriginal shows.
  • Lidao Tribe: located in Lidao village, the tribe is known for its red-roofed white house surrounded by rice fields.
  • Dongsing village: the largest community of Rukai in this part of Taiwan, the village is famous for its special harvest festival held in July.
  • Marongarong Tribe: located south of Chenggong Township, the village organizes bamboo rafting and has created the Amis Folk Center. This center offers traditional music and cuisine as well as information about the Amis culture.
  • Hakka Cultural Park: built in Chishang Township to share the Hakka culture, this park offers several areas where you can learn more about the tribe.

You also have the possibility to visit some more remote villages, less touched by tourism but you’ll need to go through an agency and hire a local guide. Some tribes can have different social codes than what foreigners or even locals are used to, always exercise caution when visiting aboriginal villages.

20 – Explore Green Island’s underwater world

Unicorn fishes, green island, Taiwan

Green Island is a divers’ paradise, only an hour away from the shore by ferry. This small volcanic island has a lot to offer and features stunning coral reefs – perfect for snorkeling or to go diving. The best way to explore is to rent a scooter and drive around. There are a lot of superb landscapes and scenery to see as well as good trekking and diving opportunities. If you don’t like touristy places, Green Island will be a perfect fit.

Apart from diving or snorkeling, make sure to:

  • Take a dip at Chaojih Hot Springs, Taiwan’s only saltwater hot spring;
  • Catch the sunset at Lyudao Lighthouse;
  • Visit the Guanyin Cave, dedicated to the Goddess of Mercy;
  • See the ruins of Green Island’s first settlement at Youzihhu Old Dwellings;
  • Admire the scenery following the Little Great Wall (Siao Changcheng);
  • Hike the Kuoshan Ku Tao Trail;

During summer, boats leave frequently so you can plan a day trip from Taitung. If you want to spend the night, consider staying at Sanasai Inn right on the beach with ocean view rooms with AC and private bath. The inn also offers dormitories.

Book your ferry ticket here >>

21 – Lisong Hot Spring

Lisong hot springs, things to do in Taitung, Taiwan

Lisong hot spring is one of the most beautiful wild and natural hot springs you’ll find in Taiwan. The water is at the perfect temperature and is pure and odorless. It’s a bit hard to reach, you’ll have to trek for about an hour and some parts of the trails are really steep, but you’ll be amply rewarded by what you see. The green limestone is calcium carbonate created by the water dripping from the top of the rocks.

Definitely a top tourist attraction in Taitung!

22 – Catch the waves at Dulan Beach

If you like surfing, do check out Dulan Beach, one of the best surfing beaches in Taitung County. If you don’t mind the cold, you can surf year-round in this little piece of paradise. In winter waves are strong, and smaller during summer, making it a perfect spot for beginners. The village there is also quite nice, with an artsy vibe, mixed with the local aboriginal culture.

If you like beaches you can also check out Taitung Beach, located between Taitung City and Taitung Forest Park. It’s a nice place to go for a walk or a swim when the weather is nice. This beautiful beach is the perfect spot to watch the sunrise and take beautiful pictures. South of Taitung City, you’ll find another nice beach worth checking out, Taimali beach, known for its grey sand and stunning surrounding scenery.

Cycle through the Wuling Green Tunnel

Part of the East Rift Valley, the Wuling Green Tunnel is 4.5-kilometer long road, shadowed by many trees and with low traffic, making it a perfect place to go biking.

A market is held there every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month.

Activities and things to do near Taitung

River Tracing at Mulberry Creek

This tour will first take you to visit a Dongxing Tribe then the adventure will begin, River tracing includes swimming, hiking, and climbing along, and in, the river. It’s a great activity for outdoor lovers who want to try something new and explore some of Taitung’s natural wonders. Mulberry Creek is a beautiful sight, full of caves, cliffs, rock formations, and lush vegetation.

You can choose between a half-day or a full-day tour. You should have a decent fitness level.

More info here >>

Sunrise SUP & Snorkeling

Take a guided stand-up paddleboard guided tour to see Taiwan’s stunning east coast from the Pacific Ocean and discover some beautiful snorkeling spots where you’ll see many fish and colorful corals.

More info here >>

Paddleboarding on the Mawuku River 

Explore Taitung County with this SUP tour on the Mawuku River. Take in the scenery while doing some fun outdoor exercise!

More info here >>

Day trip to Taroko National Park

The Taroko Gorge is probably the most famous landmark in Taiwan. If you like hiking, you will love taking a trip to Taroko National Park.

You can go with your own car and drive to the main attractions or take a train to Hualien and then take one of the scenic buses that will take you to the main sights.

See all the best things to do and places to visit in Taroko >>

Taitung itinerary

I would advise spending at least 3 days in Taitung. You can spend a day visiting the city, then rent a car or scooter to explore the county.

Taitung Food – What to eat in Taitung

One of the top Taitung food is traditional, aboriginal, food. There are plenty of places where you can sample this delicious food. It usually consists of wild boar and local plants. One of the most popular aboriginal food in Taitung is Ah-Bai (glutinous rice, millet, and wild boar meat wrapped in a galangal leaf).

In Taitung, you should miss short rice noodles, a local dish made of sweet potato flour and indica rice and served as a soup.

In Donghe Township and Beinan, don’t miss the steamed buns, famous all over Taiwan for their taste and unique texture.

For a sweet treat, check out glutinous rice balls served with peanut, red bean, mung bean, and many other flavors.

You should also check out the Taitung Night Market on on Zhengqi Road. During the day, it’s a fruit market, then it turns into a night market serving mostly snacks on the evenings, from Thursday to Saturday.

How to get to Taitung

Taichung to Taitung

The best way to get from Taichung to Taitung is by train, it takes less than 4 hours and cost between $21 to $35 USD. There are 3 direct trains a day.

Kenting to Taitung

To get to Kenting from Taitung, the train is again your best option. You’ll first need to take a bus from Kenting to Fengshan, it will leave you next to the train station, from there take a train bound for Taitung. It will take you around 4 hours and will cost you around $10 USD.

Taipei To Taitung

From Taipei you can take a train to reach Taitung, the fastest one will take you there in 3.5 hours, ticket prices range from $20 to $30 USD. Make sure you check the schedule, as some trains can take up to 8 hours.

Check the train schedule and book your tickets here>>

Where to stay in Taitung

The easiest is to stay in Taitung City and take day trips to explore the county, but there are also a couple of nice accommodation options in the countryside.

I recommend staying at Tiin Tinn – Rivershore B&B, it’s close to everything, clean, and the staff is friendly. The rooms are small but comfy, the decoration is great, and everything looks brand new. Breakfast is included, it’s a good mid-range option.

If you are solo traveling, or on a tight budget, you can stay at On My Way Taitung Hostel, breakfast is included, there’s also a kitchen if you want to cook, the location is ideal, close to everything, with many common spaces to meet people, and the dorm is well organized so you get some privacy. Prices start at $14 USD.

FAQ About Taitung

  • Is Taitung Worth visiting? Yes! If you like nature, want to discover the aboriginal culture, and want to escape Taiwan’s huge cities.
  • How do I get around Taitung? The best way to get around Taitung is to rent a scooter or a car, even within the city, to get to the tourist spots, it will be easier if you have your own mean of transportation.
  • When to visit Taitung? You can visit Taitung year-round and enjoy all the county’s attractions and tourist spots. If you can be there at the end of June, you’ll be able to attend the Hot Air Balloon Festival in Luye, one of the best things to do in Taitung!
  • How many days in Taitung? One day is enough to visit the city, but if you want to explore the county add at least two days.

Note: you might find the attractions listed on this page with a different spelling, or pronounced differently, it’s normal, there are always several translations for the same place. Just keep this in mind when searching for the places on google maps. 

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Taitung, Taiwan